Criminal groups attack police facilities with drones and burn vehicles in Michoacan


People in Apatzingán and other towns in Michoacan closed their doors for fear of suffering other attacks.

On Tuesday, August 27th, the facilities of the Municipal Police of Buenavista Tomatlán, Michoacán, were attacked with explosive devices launched by drones and, although at least three explosions were recorded, no victims were reported.

This action was accompanied by shootings, burning of vehicles and roadblocks in some neighboring municipalities, especially the Buenavista-Apatzingán highway, which lasted for several hours in that region of Tierra Caliente.

According to sources from the National Defense Secretariat (Sedena), the acts of violence stem from a confrontation caused by the reorganization of drug cartels that operate in the region and that are fighting for control of the territory, where the phenomenon of extortion of lemon producers, as well as other sectors, has worsened.

In Apatzingán, public buses were set on fire at the exit to Buenavista, near the “Las Delicias” resort. There were also armed clashes and blockades at various points on the Buenavista-Peribán highway, near the Limón de la Luna community.

According to some sources, more than twelve vehicles were set on fire in the municipalities of Buenavista and Apatzingán, as well as on the highway to the municipality of Tepalcatepec.

Source: Proceso

Michoacan Post