Important arsenal and monster-type vehicles seized in Caborca, Sonora


Three vehicles with artisanal armor, firearms, and ammunition were seized by state and federal forces

Thanks to a joint operation, the Sonora State Public Security Police managed to secure an important arsenal and vehicles with artisanal armor from an organized crime group.

The events occurred on the outskirts of the municipality of Caborca, where state forces, supported by elements of the Secretariat of National Defense, managed to secure an important cache of firearms.

“The authorities reported that at kilometer 74, after passing the Greek Y, a Chevrolet Sierra car was seized, from which its crew got out when they saw the joint operation. Inside the vehicle were six AK-47 rifles and 57 magazines for AK-47 rifles.

“Ground tours were implemented with the support of drone equipment, locating three other vehicles, two of which are ‘monster’ type, hand-armored, and a Toyota Tundra within a range of 200 meters,” said the State Security Board. of sound.

Although they managed to successfully seize the collection of firearms, projectiles, and vehicles, the authorities were unable to capture people linked to the operation of these objects.

However, both the arsenal and the vehicles found during this joint operation were commissioned to the local Public Ministry, which will determine the steps to follow concerning the case.

Source: El Heraldo de Mexico

The Sonora Post