Vacation rentals are here to stay, the challenge is to achieve synergy, says hotelier


Another challenge is to ensure that foreign tourism increases as in 2000, which represented 35 percent of total tourists.

MAZATLAN. – Vacation rentals are here to stay and the challenge is to create synergy in Mazatlán to maintain demand and supply within the formalization and to maintain certainty among its visitors, said José Ramón Manguart Sánchez.

The president of the Tres Islas Hotel Association mentioned that in every tourist destination in the country they are looking for a way to formalize these accommodations that, first of all, are not reflected in DataTur but that, in addition, need to generate guarantees in their regulation.

“Vacation rentals are here to stay, they are a new player in terms of accommodation units, but as they formalize this it will be better and, above all, they will generate guarantees for the consumer in every sense.”

Manguart Sánchez pointed out that, in addition to the approximately 12 thousand hotel rooms in the destination, another 6,500 vacation rental rooms are added, plus the 130 projects under construction, meaning that Mazatlán, in the short term, will have about 20 thousand rooms, a challenge that must be worked on in different aspects.

This is not the first time that the issue of vacation rentals has been discussed. Hoteliers and the real estate sector itself have sought ways to regulate, especially to avoid cases of fraud; Several cases of fraud have gone viral on social networks throughout 2023.

The most recent in a TikTok account, of a group of tourists from Michoacán, and who, upon arriving in Mazatlán, at a hotel in the Golden Zone, discovered that their reservations did not exist; In June of this year, a similar situation happened, about 240 tourists booked into a non-existent hotel.

Although the mobility of foreign tourism has been noticed in the destination, the hotel businessman added that another challenge is to increase it, as he recalled that in 2000, this segment from the United States and Canada represented close to 35 percent of total tourism to the destination.

“In 2000, foreign tourism represented 35 percent and today it represents 1 percent, there is an area of opportunity that we have. It is a situation that has deteriorated over the years, but we hope that the issue of connectivity can be managed,” he said.

Source: Punto