Criminals take a dog in San Miguel de Allende; owners ask for help


A family was threatened and got their truck stolen by armed people in the municipality of San Miguel de Allende in the state of Guanajuato. The criminals also took their little dog Poncho, considered part of the family, so they have generated a great movement to recover it.

Through social networks, the story of this family went viral, where they detail that the events occurred on the afternoon of last Monday, October 16, when Juan was returning from work along the Dolores Hidalgo highway near the Banda community, when the group of Criminals detained him at the Atotonilco junction.

The victim was locked in the trunk of the gray vehicle and kidnapped for a few kilometers, finally releasing him near the El Girasol ranch, but they took with them the Border Collie dog, black with white spots, who wore a blue necklace.

According to the same family, the truck was his property, but what hurts them most is that they took their furry friend, so they ask the authorities for help to recover it.

Source: Mi Morelia