60 thousand compatriots return to Tamaulipas


From January to September, more than 60 thousand nationals have been repatriated through the border of Nuevo Laredo, Reynosa and Matamoros, said the director of the Tamaulipas Institute for Migrants, Juan José Rodríguez Alvarado, who specified that Tamaulipas is the second entity that  receives compatriots sent by the immigration authorities from the United States.

The director of the Institute reported that this entity is the main point of entry, transit and return of countrymen, more than 400 thousand have been received since the current state administration began and, according to data from the United States Border Patrol, 70 percent of the Central Americans who are detained in this country crossed through Tamaulipas territory.

“Our state is the destination of emerging flows such as the one currently registered in Reynosa and Matamoros, consisting mainly of Venezuelans and Haitians seeking asylum in the American Union, the above without consider the more than 500 thousand Tamaulipans who live abroad, mainly in the United States.”

Rodríguez Alvarado expressed that since the beginning of the state administration and by instructions of Governor Américo Villareal Anaya, actions, strategies, programs and public policies were implemented to address each of the moratorium aspects.

Source: Hoy Tamaulipas