Mailo, the little street dog who adopted by a gas station in Oaxaca and is now a rockstar


On August 13, the TikTok account @mailoelperrogasolinero shared a video where you can see the evolution of Mailo, a dog that was rescued by the employees of a gas station located in the municipality of San Raymundo Jalpan, in the Oaxaca state.

“It shows something that they abandoned, and you adopted,” he says in the publication where Mailo appears dirty and a little malnourished.

After a while he looks completely clean and wears his own institutional shirt. It was from August 8 when the account began to share the videos of the dog, narrated “by Mailo himself” where we see him playing with the employees, being fed, when he is bathed, when he goes for a walk and when his veterinarian visits him.

Mailo’s friendliness has made him popular and a rock star who has won over his clientele, as many of them bring him packets of food when they stop by to get gas; and he always knows how to thank and make the day better of those who receive a hug or the happy movements of his tail.

Mailo is one of more and more cases of animals that, from being in a precarious situation, flourish when they are adopted by large or small companies or businesses. And there are many people who affirm that the presence of these animals has contributed to improving the work environment and even being closer to clients.

 Such is the case of the cat Chocoloc, from Sabana de Torres, in Colombia, who now lives in a veterinary clinic. And in Mexico, employees of the Oxxo chain have announced several cases of adoptions, and even the ‘new employees have been recognized as ’employee of the month’.

Source: Yahoo News