Security in Jalisco: Residents block the road to Chapala 


Neighbors of the Arvento subdivision in Tlajomulco demonstrate last afternoon and carry out partial blockades on the highway to Chapala, from north to south, at the Cajititlán intersection. The complainants demand better public services, particularly efficient public transportation. 

Due to the distance of this subdivision, near Cajititlán, residents accuse that the bus routes that pass through the community stop providing services early and there is no way to get to their homes at night. 

The group of protesters, approximately 20 neighbors, left a single lane free on the highway in the direction from Guadalajara to Chapala, causing a line of cars that reaches the intersection of the highway to El Salto. Due to the closure, the line of cars reaches the Macrolibramiento intersection, generating a traffic jam of approximately 10 kilometers. 

Originally the neighbors mentioned that they would block Adolf Horn Avenue, but they chose to close the road to Chapala to increase pressure on the authorities and have their demands met. 

Representatives of the authorities, both municipal and state, have already attended the site to try to mediate with the protesters. 

  Source: Informador