49 missing migrants found by Mexican authorities in the state of Nuevo León


The Mexican government reported that the 49 migrants who were kidnapped when they were traveling aboard a bus that left Tapachula, Chiapas, bound for Monterrey, Nuevo León, have already been located and rescued by members of the Mexican Army SEDENA.

In his press conference, President Lopez Obrador highlighted that the armed forces managed to rescue the migrants after more than six hours of operations in the area.

The Secretary of National Defense, General Luis Cresencio Sandoval, initially stated that nine migrants were found in Doctor Arroyo on Tuesday; on Wednesday another six migrants were located at one in the afternoon and later 34 migrants were found safe and sound.

He specified that the 49 migrants are: 23 men, 15 women, six boys, and five girls. Of the nationalities, there are seven from Venezuela, 19 from Honduras, two from Brazil, one from Cuba, 14 from Haiti, and six from El Salvador.

The San Luis Potosí State Attorney General’s Office indicated that the migrants declared that the deprivation of their liberty did not occur in Potosí territory, as was speculated in the first statements; but in the town of Los Medina, which is located near Doctor Arroyo, Nuevo León.

According to the police report, the kidnapping occurred on May 15, when the passenger transport unit was moving from Chiapas to Nuevo León; However, on the afternoon of May 16, the abandoned bus was located in a municipality in the northern state and that was when the investigations began.

Source: OEM

Monterrey Daily Post