Verde Valle rice: is it true that it is made of plastic? PROFECO says this


Some time ago, the Mexican brand was involved in a series of accusations that its products were artificially made.

One of the basic cereals in the Mexican daily diet is rice, which is why it is possible to find multiple brands on the market, one of the most popular being Verde Valle, which some time ago was involved in a series of accusations that their product was made of plastic but is this true? we tell you.

A few years ago on social networks, a housewife assured that the rice of this Mexican brand was supposedly made artificially, which ended up seriously affecting its sales.

The foregoing is based on the dissemination of various videos in which it was possible to see how it was possible to manufacture or produce plastic-based rice, a practice made in China, which caused a lot of noise among internet users, who came to point to various brands do it, mainly Verde Valle.

Is Verde Valle rice really made of plastic?

Therefore, the Federal Consumer Attorney’s Office (PROFECO) took advantage of a quality study on a total of 38 brands of rice to clarify the rumor that hit various producers of this cereal.

In this way, the agency was able to verify that 100 percent of the products called rice contain protein, so none of the brands analyzed is made of plastic.

It should be noted that “protein is a characteristic nutritional parameter of rice and that, in addition, it demystifies what has emerged in social networks about plastic rice, since none of this type can contain it.”

For its part, the Verde Valle brand itself assured that the accusations against its rice are false, since its products come from a natural source, with quality, freshness, and safety.

In addition, they are jealously cared from planting to harvest. They also have a processing and packaging plant that has the FSSC22000 certification (food safety standard), which complies with all current regulations and includes the inspection of each grain by a high-tech electronic eye.

Regarding the indications that its rice falls apart when it comes into contact with water, the Mexican company explained that its product, when soaked, undergoes a hydration process known as starch hydrolysis, which is completely natural.

Due to all of the above, it is possible to conclude that Verde Valle rice is not made of plastic, so its consumption is totally recommended, even in the PROFECO study was one of the best qualified, obtaining an ‘excellent’ rating.

Source: Radio Formula