900-foot deep hole called The Taam ja’ Blue Hole, found off the Eastern coast of Quintana Roo, Mexico

  • It’s the second deepest blue hole known. The deepest is the Sansha Yongle Blue Hole near China.
  • Studying Taam ja’ could help us understand our climate’s past and maybe our future.

There’s a 900-foot hole in the ocean off the Eastern coast of Mexico. The top of it is a nearly exact circle and covers an area of nearly 150,000 square feet.

Just that area alone is three times the size of the mansion Michael Jordan has been trying (and failing) to sell for 10 years.

The hole is new to us, but not exactly new.

Two years ago a local fisherman named Jesus Artemio Poot Villa helped scientists from a research center in Mexico discover the spot. Now those scientists have published a study about it in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science.

a collection of photos of the Taam ja’ Blue Hole show it full of marine life

They’re calling it Taam ja’, which means “deep water” in Mayan. The hole is in Chetumal Bay, most of which is about 6 to 16 feet deep.

Taam ja’ is the second-deepest blue hole we know about. The deepest is the Sansha Yongle Blue Hole near China. The Caribbean actually has a bunch of these, but none so deep.

Taam ja’ is the second-deepest blue hole we know about. The deepest is the Sansha Yongle Blue Hole near China. The Caribbean actually has a bunch of these, but none so deep.

There’s also a lot of life in these things. When it announced plans to explore another blue hole near Florida, NOAA wrote: “Blue holes are diverse biological communities full of marine life, including corals, sponges, mollusks, sea turtles, sharks, and more.”

Source: Aristegui Noticias

The Cancun Post