Migratory “Via Crucis” with 5,000 people from Tapachula to CDMX


The scrutiny of the government of Mexico has grown since the fire on March 27 in Ciudad Juárez, on the border with the United States, where 40 migrants died in a station of the National Institute of Migration (INM).

Around 5,000 migrants left this Sunday from Tapachula, Chiapas, on a migratory “via crucis” bound for Mexico City, with the Basilica of Guadalupe as their first point of arrival.

They will arrive at this temple to pray for the Mexican government to end corruption, the disappearance of the National Institute of Migration (INM) and humanitarian treatment for people on the move.

With three huge white posters and red letters representing the blood of the 40 migrants who died in a Ciudad Juárez Immigration Station, in Chihuahua, thousands of people from at least 15 countries walked out to ask for justice, a treatment human rights and documents to continue their journey through national territory.

The migrants painted the banners with the following slogans: “The State killed them”, “migrant Stations of the Cross” and “you can deny it, but not hide it because we all know it is a state crime”, reads the banners that are held by the members of this caravan.

The director of the Organization Pueblos Sin Fronteras, Irineo Mujica, denounced that “no one cares” about the issue of the 40 migrants who died, for which he criticized that, if there is no justice, it continues to be a “state crime.”

“Have a more humane migration policy, (…) at least not a militarized, murderous National Institute of Migration (INM), which has killed and continues to kill, because it is desensitized and corrupt. This national organization has to disappear,” added the Mexican-American activist.

In the caravan there are migrants from Venezuela, Colombia, Haiti, China, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Africa and other countries.

Source: Expansion