Who is “El Billetón”, the operator of the Gulf Cartel detained in San Luis Potosí


According to SEDENA, “El Billetón” operated in the tourist municipality of Xilitla, in San Luis Potosí

Last Friday, April 14, members of the Mexican army detained in Xilitla, San Luis Potosí, Ricardo Cortes Mateos, alias “El Billetón”, identified as a financial operator of the “Los Ciclones” Gulf Cartel cell.

Currently the nephew of José Alfredo Cárdenas Martínez, alias “El Contador”, nephew of capo Osiel Cárdenas Guillén, is the one who is in charge of the Gulf Cartel (CDG), but with his arrest in February 2022, according to reports from the Secretariat of National Defense (SEDENA) and the DEA, now the leadership is shared with at least three other bosses.

The one who is considered the second in charge of the cartel is José Alberto García Villano, alias “La Kena” or “Ciclón 19″, with a presence in the border city of Matamoros. The authorities suspect that he was behind the kidnapping, and murder of two of them, of the four Americans who were kidnapped in Matamoros on March 1.

Armando López Garcés, “El Pajarito”, was designated as the third in command, followed by Alfredo del Río de la Fuente, El Ardilla. While the person in charge of all the operations in the Rio Grande is Gumersindo Pérez Maya, El Gume.

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) also pointed to José Alfredo Cárdenas Martínez, alias “La Kena”, who in 2018 regained his freedom because the Navy had given false reports about his detention, as another of the leaders of the criminal organization.

“El Billetón”, for its part, is in a lower echelon within the organization. However, although the authorities identify him, in addition to being a financial operator, as a “drug dealer” in Matamoros, he has a provisional arrest warrant for extradition purposes from the United States government for the crimes of criminal association and against health in that country.

According to the SEDENA, “El Billetón” operated in the tourist municipality of Xilitla, in San Luis Potosí, for which reason the military made military planning for his arrest, for which reason the reconnaissance and patrols were intensified by the authorities.

After being arrested, Ricardo “N” was transferred in a Mexican Air Force aircraft to Mexico City, to be presented to the corresponding authorities and determine his legal situation.

In recent days it was revealed that the violence in the state of San Luis Potosí stems from the conflict that at least six organized crime gangs in the state, according to a SEDENA document revealed in the hack called Guacamaya Leaks.

The information released by the newspaper Milenio mentions that the report was prepared by the Second Military Sector in San Luis Potosí, in which it is mentioned that the entity is one of the most important in the country for the transfer of drugs, since it is the intermediate point with four large ports: Tamaulipas, Nayarit, Jalisco and Colima.

According to the document, the Los Zetas Cartel, the Gulf Cartel (CDG), La Familia Michoacana and the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG) operate in the different municipalities of the entity.

Source: Infobae