Ten Reasons to Cross the Border | Such a Fine Sight to See


For the third year, we headed south of the border in February. Destination-Puerto Peñasco in Mexico and the surrounding area called Rocky Point. Who doesn’t want to get away from the dismal winter weather in Colorado and camp on the beach?

Once again, my husband Ron and I, along with our little pup, Gracie, scored a glorious beachfront campsite at Playa Bonita RV Resort. The beach is a balm for our souls presenting an environment of constants and contrasts. The tide ebbs and flows daily right on schedule, constantly altering the surface of the swirling, ever-moving sand. Some days it is like wet concrete, others more like spun sugar. The water can range from a sea of glass to roiling whitecaps, sometimes changing within minutes. Most days there will be a delightful breeze; but the wild winds occasionally howl, causing our trailer to rock and roll throughout the day and into the night.

The symphony on the beach reverberates across the bay. Gulls scream and caw, the pelicans do cannonballs splashing into the waves as they trap fish in their pouches. The ever-present beach vendors call: “Empanadas”, or “Camarones.” One fellow often blows a bellow on a large conch shell. And always there is the anthem of the waves ranging from a mere whisper to a banshee’s roar.

Here is my list of 10 reasons why we return to Puerto Peñasco:

1. Strolls on the beach – The beaches constantly beckon visitors outside to explore. Birds soar overhead, sea creatures scuttle along appearing and disappearing, the wide swath of sand stretches in both directions, and no stroll is ever the same.

2. Sunsets – Every night there is a riot of color as the sun sinks into the ocean. Depending on the clouds  red, magenta, orange, and amber streaks explode in the western sky.

3. Seashells – I love examining and touching these mini-masterpieces. Every year I tuck a few perfect specimens into my pocket to take home and peruse when I want to relive time spent on the beach.

4. Security – The question we are most often asked about Mexico is: “Is it safe?” Speaking from our own experience the answer is: “Absolutely!” The distance from the border town of Lukeville to Puerto Peñasco is around 60 miles, and we carefully obey speed limits and traffic signs. So far, no problems. I like to wander about on my own, and I have never felt endangered in any way. The RV park provides 24-hour security. The beach, and many restaurant parking lots, have security personnel who keep a careful eye on all comings and goings.

5. Sustenance – The food is not only a delicious delight, but going to the Ley’s grocery store, restaurants, and hole-in-the-wall hideaways is endlessly entertaining. The Ley’s sells the best cookies, and pastries ever. This year we “discovered” a bakery that offers only freshly baked rolls-either sweet or plain. These are treats that beg to be eaten on the way home, or the day they are purchased. Finding a wonderful restaurant is a tourist’s treasure. The choices are varied from food trucks to regional fare to upscale gourmet sites.

6. Simpatico – The Mexican people are unfailingly friendly and polite. As I struggle to find a word in Spanish I am trying to use, they smile, and are always helpful. Of course Puerto Peñascans are used to American tourists, and strive to make our visits pleasant. Even when they speak little English, these kind people make an effort to understand and communicate. I had an interaction with a man on the beach who was carrying 3 large octopuses. He managed to tell me he had caught them in the surf, and they would be prepared as ceviche.

7. Savings – Yes, you can save money vacationing in Mexico as opposed to the USA if you try. Once you master the Mexican grocery stores, food trucks, and local eateries, the door is open to enjoy everything from homemade breads, local fare, and the freshest of seafood. There is a wide variety of accommodations including RV parks, with or without hookups, rental units, and all levels of hotels. The main attractions  the beaches and small town ambience are free, free, free!

8. Sunshine – Most days are sunny at least part of the time leading to smiles and an ongoing sunshiny disposition.

9. Shades of the past – Life in Rocky Point feels slowed-down, less complicated, and reminiscent of times past. There are only a few chain establishments  DQ, Burger King, and Sam’s Club. Most businesses are one-of-a-kind, and family owned. It almost feels like you have stepped back into a past that no longer exists in the United States.

10. Shift from the familiar – For me, being someplace new and different is an instant mood enhancer. Once you get past any trepidation about crossing the border and spending time in an area unlike your home town, windows and doors open up for exploration, exciting adventures, and learning about another culture.

Source: The Gazette