Southeast Mexico MotoCross Championship Race this weekend in Progreso, Yucatan


With the best riders from the Mexican southeast, the second date of the Southeast Motocross Championship will take place this coming weekend, at the Big Duna de Progreso track, as announced by its organizer, Paola Chávez Gallardo, director of the Motocross Yucatán club.

The motorcyclists will face each other for the second time in the serial and they will also do so within the framework of the Veda Festival organized by the State Government in the main ports of the state.

The fair will start on Saturday, March 4th, which will be the preliminary tests; while on Sunday the 5th, the official competition will take place, starting at 10:00 am, with a prize pool of 30,000 pesos to be distributed.

This edition will feature approximately 120 drivers from Oaxaca, Chiapas, Veracruz, Tabasco, Campeche, Yucatán, and Quintana Roo, including a car exhibition; together with the categories of motorcycles that will be Low Displacement, Promotional, Rookies, Initiation,

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Chávez Gallardo was accompanied in the presentation by Carlos Sáenz Castillo, director of the State Sports Institute (IDEY); Guillermo Basulto Espadas, delegate of the Mexican Motorcycling Federation; Viridiana Tadeo Álvarez, representative of the Sergaf company, sponsor of the event; Patricio Gary Rivas, national champion, 125cc category; together with Eduardo Montalvo Jatar, representative of the pilots of the Peninsula.