AERUS: the new Mexican airline born in San Luis Potosi


A conglomerate of companies from San Luis ventured to invest in the commercial aviation industry in Mexico

Aerus, the new Mexican airline, launched calls to fill its available vacancies and have its full workforce before the start of its operations.

The company announced that it decided to establish its base in Monterrey because its first flights will only cover cities in the northeast of Mexico.

The owners confirmed that their operations will start in the first quarter of 2023, and their scope will be national routes, although international flights are contemplated in their growth plan in the future.

How was Aerus born?

Filiberto Herrera de la Rosa founded the Herrera Group in 1941, his first business was the ‘Herrera Motors’ agency, a vehicle distributor that was domiciled in the Historic Center of San Luis Potosí.

His management in the business allowed him to diversify the company, always betting on the automotive sector, and later they also ventured into the real estate and financial area.

It was in 1990 when he created the company Aerotransportes Rafilher, a company dedicated to the air taxi business based in San Luis Potosí.

With its experience in the field, the Federal Civil Aviation Agency (AFAC) granted it in May 2022 the concession to operate as a commercial airline.

The firm is currently part of the Grupo Herrera conglomerate and is owned by Javier Herrera García.

Where will the Aerus flights depart?

One situation to consider is that Aerus will have its base of operations in Monterrey, that is, its flights will depart from the Mariano Escobedo Airport and not from San Luis Potosí.

The businessman explained that the flights will be operated with three Cessna SkyCourier aircraft, which have a maximum capacity of 19 passengers, so the trips will be short-range and regional.

In the first stage, they will only fly to Coahuila, Tamaulipas, in addition to central and southern Texas in their first stage.

The air taxi service will include the city of Mérida, Yucatán in the near future.

They expect to grow their fleet to 14 aircraft by 2025 and generate at least 500 jobs.

One of the objectives of the airline is to implement processes that positively impact the social and environmental environment, therefore, the airline is equipped with state-of-the-art aircraft to reduce carbon emissions by 50 percent by 2030.

To achieve this goal, it is estimated that an investment of 98 million dollars was required.

Source: El Universal

San Luis Potosi Post