Mexico City is number 5 most populous city in the world


All across the globe, there are metropolises and megalopolises alike that greatly outdo New York City in population size, though the five boroughs remain the largest city center in the United States.

We compiled a definitive ranking of the most highly populated cities in the world for 2022, along with the most populous cities in the U.S., and the most populous state.

What is the most populous city in the world?

World Population Review, a site dedicated to boiling down demographical data into easily understandable stats, ranks Tokyo as the most populous city globally for 2022, counting over 37 million residents.

Tokyo is Japan’s capital city, a thriving urban metropolis known for its bustling streets and brightly lit neon skyscrapers.

What are the 10 most populous cities in the world?

According to World Population Review, the top ten most populous cities in the world in 2022 are:

  1. Tokyo, Japan
  2. Delhi, India
  3. Shanghai, China
  4. Sao Paulo, Brazil
  5. Mexico City, Mexico
  6. Cairo, Egypt
  7. Dhaka, Bangladesh
  8. Mumbai, India
  9. Beijing, China
  10. Osaka, Japan

The Mexico City Post

The Mexico City Post