14 communities of Oaxaca block the federal highway and there is no way to Veracruz


They request the revocation of the mandate of the municipal president of San Juan Mazatlán, Oaxaca, to the authorities of the General Secretariat of Government of the state of Oaxaca.

For the umpteenth time this year and due to the lack of compliance by the municipal president of San Juan Mazatlán, Oaxaca, Macario Eleuterio, 14 Mixe communities block the federal transismic highway to demand 20 million pesos, as part of the federal resources assigned for social works this year 2022.

The blockade located at the height of the ” Las Malvinas ” bridge, in the community of Palomares began yesterday Monday and will be indefinite reported the protesters, who with large blankets, stones and sticks demand their resources that were agreed in a minute of agreement in the month of May this year.

Macario Eleuterio, who is a member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), has been re -elected five times as municipal president of this Mixe municipality, and despite the minutes agreed with the communities, he has never complied with the delivery of his resources.

“Macario continues to fail to comply, he has done so in his five three-year terms that he has governed, it is a casique and the worst thing is that the government supports him,” they denounced while demanding that the federal and Oaxaca authorities attend to them.

San Juan Mazatlán Mixe is governed by the Internal Regulatory System, also called ” Usos y Costumbres “. In Oaxaca, 417 of the 570 municipalities have this election system, which is carried out by assembly by show of hands or by voting at the ballot box .


The 14 municipal agents through an assembly denounced being fed up with the deceptions of Macario Eleuterio and requested his revocation of mandate to the authorities of the General Secretariat of Government of the state of Oaxaca (Segob), but nothing happens. The Segob issued an exhortation to the Mixe municipe so that he hand over the resources, but he has ignored it.

“We live in impunity,” denounces Jorge Vásquez Miguel, originally from La Mixtequita, Oaxaca and commissioner of the Assembly of the Peoples of San Juan Mazatlán. He points out that the municipal president has protection from “up there” referring to the government of Oaxaca, because no one can demand that he comply with his community.

In addition, they reported that the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) has reported that Macario Eleuterio owes electrical services that range from 4 million 878 thousand, 294 pesos with 72 cents.

“The CFE informed us that it gave Macario Eleuterio an extension but he did not comply, and that is how this man spends it, he owes us a lot of money to the agencies for social works such as water, pavement and drainage, the resource has really been stolen,” they added.

In 2018, according to an audit carried out by the Supervisory Body of the State of Oaxaca, San Juan Mazatlán had an income of 84 million, 491 thousand, 707 pesos . Of which, it produced an unverifiable observation for 14 million 770 thousand pesos.

The Assembly of Towns of San Juan Mazatlán is made up of 14 of the 34 municipal agencies, who joined because they have been excluded from the delivery of resources. They are currently putting constant pressure on the Oaxaca government to comply, but all the state authorities have said is to urge Macario Eleuterio to give what is demanded of him.

While the blockade persists, small cars are allowed intermittent passage, but this is not the case for truckers, buses or trailers, who have been stranded for more than 24 hours and others are looking for another route through the state of Chiapas.

“We have been here for 24 hours , no authority has resolved, they have told us that it will be for an indefinite time, this issue of the lack of resources that involves Mr. Macario Eleuterio is not new, we have been hearing it for a long time and that has generated disagreements, the bad It is that the motorists who travel this road daily are the ones who pay the consequences ”, they concluded.

The Oaxaca Post