Lopez Obrador inaugurates Las Islas Marías as a tourist destination


Mexico’s president presided over this Friday, December 16th, the opening of the emblematic Islas Marías prison to tourism starting next December 21, after the construction of a museum and the establishment of maritime and air routes.

Without an act of protocol or inaugural message, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of the country, made the first ferry trip from the port of San Blas, in the state of Nayarit, to the tourist complex.

The president recalled that the prison was created during Porfirio Díaz’s mandate and after the Mexican Revolution “continued to be a terrible prison” where the writer José Revueltas “who wrote this classic book “Los Muros de agua” precisely with the theme of the Islas Marías“.

The visit includes a round trip and a two-night stay in Puerto Balleto. Lodging is hostel style and meals are available in the dining rooms.

Hiking and cultural activities are available, including a visit to the cell where José Revueltas was imprisoned for two years.

Packages range from five thousand 500 pesos to eight thousand 50 pesos, including sea transportation, lodging, and meals.

Source: Veritas Noticias

The Nayarit Post