AMLO keeps on criticizing the King of Spain


The Spanish government has considered “incomprehensible” the criticisms made this Friday by Andrés Manuel López Obrador, president of Mexico, against King Felipe VI and companies in the country, which have been “categorically” rejected.

Amlo pointed out this Friday that “the pause continues” in relations because he considered that there is no “attitude of respect” when the Spanish authorities did not respond to his claims.

“The pause continues because there is no respectful attitude on their part. I sent a respectful letter to the Head of State, to the King of Spain, and he did not even care to answer me,” the president claimed during his morning press conference from the National Palace.

In a statement released tonight by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, “the Government of Spain categorically rejects the statements of the President of the United Mexican States regarding His Majesty the King, Spanish companies and political sectors of Spain”.

“These statements are incomprehensible after a successful Binational Commission that has offered so many concrete results,” considers Foreign Affairs.

According to the statement, “Spain will always favor the strengthening of fraternal, human, cultural, economic and educational ties between our two sister countries”. 

Source: EFE

Mexico Daily Post