Mexico is the most dangerous country in the world to be a journalist (World Association of Newspapers)


Earlier this year, the World Association of Newspapers WAN IFRA sent a letter signed by Fernando de Yarza addressed to Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of Mexico.

“Mexico is the most dangerous country in the world to be a journalist. Thirty journalists have been assassinated since the beginning of his Presidency. A culture of impunity in favor of those who demean or attack journalists weakens efforts to combat these acts. Despite the creation in 2012 of the Federal Protection Mechanism for journalists and human rights defenders, the escalation of attacks continues.

“We condemn this terrible wave of violence and call on the Mexican government to take strong and determined action to end the impunity that is killing our colleagues and weakening the media in Mexico.

“It is simply unacceptable for Mexican journalists to be exposed to this level of violence, threats, and intimidation. The State must urgently accept its responsibility to protect lives, defend freedom of expression, and prioritize human rights.

“The growing violence has created a harsh effect among journalists and the media, to the point of stopping publishing information, as a protection measure. In order to preserve life, this self-imposed silence has profound consequences in a democracy.

“Mr. President, we urge your government to send a strong message in defense and support for journalists and freedom of expression.”

Source.- World Association of Newspapers WAN IFRA

Mexico Daily Post