In Mexico, freedom of expression is exercised under siege (Article 19 / Mexico)


“In Mexico, freedom of expression is exercised under siege and in a context of constant aggression. The stigmatizing discourse from power and against human rights defenders creates conditions that perpetuate violence. Throughout the year, our regional office has documented that the press is attacked every 14 hours. So far, 11 journalists have been assassinated because of their work. This situation places Mexico as the riskiest country to practice journalism in the world.

“For 15 years Article 19, with the opening of the Regional Office for Mexico and Central America, we have documented, made visible, and denounced the restrictions against freedom of expression. We have also actively participated in the construction of institutional mechanisms to achieve greater government transparency. Our organization has always been characterized by being on the side of the victims of repression and those marginalized voices such as journalists from the most remote regions, women, and indigenous communities.

“For these reasons, national and local power actors have harassed and threatened the organization and its members at various times. The most recent attacks were triggered by the attacks by the President of the Republic during his morning press conference in 2021. This year alone, in addition to these attacks from power, the Regional Office has been the object of at least 18 attacks, including judicial harassment proceedings against the organization; death threats; threats against the integrity of the staff; smear campaigns; digital attacks such as distributed denial of service attacks(DDoS) and DDS; the presence of strangers outside the office and in the homes of staff members.

“Furthermore, and on an ongoing basis, the organization is subjected to online attacks, verbal attacks, phishing attempts, and other intimidating acts. So far none of our reports have led to diligent investigations to identify the people responsible for the attacks. Similarly, the authorities have been unable to stop the harassment against the organization.

“We want to make it clear that these acts seek to reduce our ability to defend and accompany the fight for freedom of expression. For this reason, we demand that the government guarantee minimum conditions for our work in favor of human rights. The hostility faced by Article 19 is part of more violent – even lethal – attacks against journalists and activists who shed light on acts of corruption and serious human rights violations. For them our solidarity, at the same time that we demand guarantees for their lives and integrity.

Source: Artículo 19 México

Mexico Daily Post