Artisans report a drop of up to 80 percent in sales at the Chiapas Fair


Producers and artisan producers assure that sales at the Expo de Corazón installed at the Chiapas 2022 Fair have fallen by up to 80 percent.

The hardest-hit sector is textiles, because artisans only sell up to two garments per night, while those in the food and beverage business are the most requested by the population.

María Paulina Hernández Pérez, an artisan from the community of Nachij, municipality of Zinacantán, announced that since the pandemic sales have dropped a lot, since they have not sold the same anywhere, they have participated.

“People hardly buy anymore… It’s a bit low but thank God we did manage to sell a little bit to buy at least tortillas, because we come from far away palaces, that affect us a bit.”

For Remi López, who is a textile artisan from the municipality of Ocozocoautla, her story is no different, as she comments that in other expos the lowest, they have sold are six pieces, while on this occasion they have only managed to sell two.

“We invite the general public to come in to buy our products and here they can find many things, because many colleagues come from different places, and since there is a bit of everything, come and see the art works we bring.”

Meanwhile, Abenamar Pozo Villanueva, who is dedicated to the production of natural foods in the municipality of Chiapa de Corzo, states that the sale of artisan products is considerably low, since the entrance to the fair has increased by up to 50 percent, in addition to the fact that people only enter to see more, not to consume.

“We hope that in the next few days that the fair has left it will improve, precisely because of the pay days (quincena) in two or three days the sale of the artisans will rise, since the textile part is the most affected, we the gastronomic part we do not complain, we always sell”.

Adalberto Gómez Hernández is originally from the municipality of Motozintla but has lived in the capital of Chiapas for 15 years, and assures that the price of access the expo is high, since in other years it has been at a better prices and that allowed the population to attend this festivity.

He also said that they should bring out the Expo a little more, because it is a little hidden from the eyes of the visitors.

This space seeks to promote the products of the towns and communities of Chiapas, there are more than a dozen artisans and artisans who trust they can close the year with good figures, however, on the sixth day of the fair, the influx of visitors decreased considerably, since both at the ticket office and inside, could see few people.

Source: El Heraldo de Chiapas