FGE of Guerrero identifies 7 victims of a massacre in El Durazno

ACAPULCO, GUERRERO, 29MARZO2019.- Elementos de la Marina patrullan la costera Miguel Aleman Fuerte, luego de un enfrentamiento entre bandas delictivas a las afueras del Hotel Aca Mar; al parecer, en el lugar se desapareció a dos personas sin que hasta el momento se conozca su paradero. FOTO: BERNANDINO HERNÁNDEZ /CUARTOSCURO.COM

The Guerrero State Attorney General’s Office opened an investigation folder for the murder last Saturday of seven people in the community of El Durazno, located in the municipality of Coyuca de Catalán.

Through a statement, he announced that the victims had already been identified as Bonifacio “N”, Bladimir “N”, José “N”, Isidro “N”, Fernando “N”, Daniel “N” and a minor of age; In addition, he indicated that Martín “N” had injuries.

The FGE of Guerrero reported that 10 armed men with the same number of trucks labeled with the letters FM with which the Familia Michoacana is identified broke into the El Durazno community, in the municipality of Coyuca de Catalán and killed seven people.

It transpired that the aggressors shouted that they were “people of the Fish, the Sheep and the Fat One”, according to the Quadratín agency, “the first is Johnny Hurtado Olascoaga, who is the alleged leader of La Familia Michoacana in the Tierra Caliente region, a criminal organization that was responsible for the massacre that left at least 20 dead in San Miguel Totolapan.”

According to data provided by the same agency, the relatives of the victims refused to allow an autopsy to be carried out on the bodies, as well as “to file a complaint for fear of reprisals.”

Source: Excelsior

The Guerrero Post