Boy dies after sticking his head out of a bus window and hitting himself against a post


According to witnesses, the minor stuck his head out of one of the windows, at which time the driver of the vehicle got very close to the sidewalk, causing the minor to hit his head against a street light post.

A minor who was part of a pilgrimage in Veracruz, as part of the celebrations for the Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe, died after he stuck his head out the window of the bus in which he was traveling, hitting a post.

The accident occurred in the streets of the Quinta María neighborhood in the municipality of Veracruz, when the seven-year-old boy was traveling, along with his relatives, on a bus to celebrate the religious holiday.

According to witnesses, the minor stuck his head out of one of the windows, at which time the driver of the vehicle got very close to the sidewalk, causing the minor to hit his head against a post.

The impact was so intense that the child was thrown from the truck and died instantly.

According to witnesses, the driver of the truck marked with the economic number 2617 of the Infonavit Buenavista route fled the area, abandoning the unit.

The little boy’s body was left in the back seat of the bus, while emergency services came to the scene, however, Red Cross paramedics could not do anything for the minor, who no longer had vital signs.

Source: Excelsior

Veracruz Daily Post