AMLO says his march empowered the people of Mexico


Andrés Manuel López Obrador, president of Mexico, asserted that the march on November 27 to celebrate the four years of his government served to empower people against what he considers attacks by the media.

“The media agree and in Mexico City, which has always been a progressive city, because historical social movements have been carried out there, with so much bombing never seen before, there was not so much attack on the Government, on the City of Mexico since the time of President Madero, then, such a bombardment of lies, stuns, confuses, that is why it is said that slander when it does not stain soot”, he exposed.

He added that “it was missing to call for a mobilization, because in the face of a massive aggression of these characteristics, the only thing that remains is to show that it is a manipulation, something that does not obey reality.”