Durango-Mazatlán railway would be a trigger for northern Mexico


The vice president of the Association of Hotels and Motels of Durango pointed out that a freight train would facilitate the transfer of merchandise to the United States from Mazatlán and the superhighway would preserve its quality.

MAZATLÁN.- The vice president of the Durango Hotel and Motel Association, Martín Ángel Gamboa Silva, called the Secretary of Federal Tourism, Miguel Torruco Marqués to budget for a Durango-Mazatlán railway.

This, during the General Assembly of the Mexican Association of Hotels and Motels, as he explained, would be a trigger for the northern part of the country, both touristically and logistically and, therefore, economically.

“It is an old desire, of many people, various periods, between 50 and 60 years, of people who have believed that having a Durango-Mazatlán railway could significantly detonate the economy of northern Mexico,” he declared.

The project already exists, he commented, it would be to resume it and that Sectur, from the tourist point of view, endorse it, while other agencies support it in logistics, but without a doubt, it could generate greater mobility for the transportation of products to the United States .

Gamboa Silva pointed out that this is not impossible, especially when the federal administration has assigned millions of pesos in resources for the Mayan train; the Durango-Mazatlán train would not even represent 10 percent of what was invested in the south of the country.

The train would be added to the Mazatlán-Durango highway, being an extra trigger for tourism, but without a doubt, the bet would be to implement it for heavy loads, thus maintaining road conditions for vehicles.

“It is intended that it be an access route also for the transport of merchandise and that we have a port of great depth in Mazatlán and that there are internal customs points, of dry ports that would cross to reach the United States,” he commented.

He added that the north of Mexico also needs and deserves this type of investment that connects the most important ports with the border, especially those close to this part of the country, but added that the will of the authorities is also lacking.

Source: punto.mx

The Mazatlan Post