Suspicious case of monkeypox detected in the Isthmus; he is a migrant stranded in Oaxaca


The health authority emphasized that it is not in a position to confirm whether it is monkeypox until they have the results from the Oaxaca State Public Health Laboratory.

Juchitan. – Ignacio Zárate Blas, head of Sanitary Jurisdiction number 2 of the Oaxaca Health Services ( SSO ) in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, confirmed that a suspected case of monkeypox or monkeypox was detected in the municipality of San Pedro Tapanatepec .

The patient, he said, the tests were taken and sent to the Oaxaca State Public Health Laboratory ( LESPO ), in order to confirm or rule out the disease and for the moment, the patient is isolated.

The health authority emphasized that it is not in a position to confirm whether it is monkeypox until the results of the LESPO are available.

The suspected patient is part of the large group of migrants who are in Tapanatepec, awaiting their transit permits.

The municipal president of San Pedro Tapanatepec, Humberto Parrazales, pointed out that he is unaware of the existence of this suspicious case and reiterated that his administration is collaborating with the state Health Services and the Doctors Without Borders ( MSF ) brigade that pays attention to foreigners.

At the end of this month of October, the mayor said, it is estimated that a little more than 180,000 migrants from more than a dozen countries on all continents have arrived and passed through the humanitarian module that was installed in Tapanatepec.

Since the weekend, he added, more than 15,000 migrants remain, almost half are minors who, due to their mobility, have not had the opportunity to attend schools. “We hope that the immigration authorities speed up the issuance of the permits,” he said.

The Oaxaca Post