The Government of Mexico City transmitted everything related to this great event to commemorate these dates and give details of the organization.
This Saturday, October 29, from 11:00 a.m., preparations began for the great Day of the Dead parade in Mexico City, with a procession as a prelude and later at 5:00 p.m., it departed from the Puerta de los Leones del Bosque de Chapultepec , to conclude in the Zócalo of the capital around 9:00 p.m.

Derived from the festivities, the Ministry of Mobility ( SEMOVI ) and the Ministry of Citizen Security ( SSC ) will deploy a special device within the framework of the Formula 1 Grand Prix of Mexico City, which will take place from October 28 to 30 at the Hermanos Rodríguez Autodrome, at the Iztacalco Mayor’s Office, as well as for this Day of the Dead Parade to offer transportation alternatives to citizens.
The main alternate routes for motorists are, Eje 1 Norte, Eje 1 Oriente, Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas, José María Izazaga and Fray Servando Teresa de Mier.
MEXICO CITY, OCTOBER 29, 2022.- Monumental catrinas that make up the Mega Offering of the country’s 32 entities shine in the capital’s main square days before the Day of the Dead festivities. PHOTO: ELIZABETH RUIZ/CUARTOSCURO
As for the eastern zone, Semovi recommends taking Calzada Ignacio Zaragoza, Eje 3 Oriente, Avenida Francisco del Paso y Troncoso, Presidente Plutarco Elías Calles, Avenida Té and Eje 4 Oriente, Canal Río Churubusco.
Streets closed in downtown area
It is worth mentioning that since October 28, circulation was affected by the inauguration of the Monumental Offering for the Day of the Dead , which is located on the esplanade of the capital’s Zócalo and can be visited until November 2.
-Paseo de la Reforma (Liège – Avenida Hidalgo)
-Juarez Avenue
-Central Axis (Juarez-Hidalgo Avenue)
-May 5th Street
MEXICO CITY, OCTOBER 29, 2022.- Within the framework of the 2022 Day of the Dead Mega Parade that will depart from the Estela de Luz to the capital’s Zócalo, the 16 mayor’s offices met in the morning to present the works that the Art and Crafts Factories ( FARO) and the Points of Innovation, Freedom, Art, Education and Knowledge (PILARES) carry out. With traditional clothing, handmade masks and details of each delegation, the attendees walked from the Puerta de los Leones to the Zócalo griddle. PHOTO: GALO CAÑAS/CUARTOSCURO
-Constitution Square Avenue
November 20 Avenue
The SSC will carry out an operational deployment of 2,550 police officers, supported by 297 official vehicles , whose personnel will be installed at strategic points to create security corridors, in addition to increasing the presence in highway accesses, tourist corridors, hotel zones, primary roads and bridges. pedestrians, in order to avoid the commission of illicit.
MEXICO CITY, OCTOBER 29, 2022.- Within the framework of the 2022 Day of the Dead Mega Parade that will depart from the Estela de Luz to the capital’s Zócalo, the 16 mayor’s offices met in the morning to present the works that the Art and Crafts Factories ( FARO) and the Points of Innovation, Freedom, Art, Education and Knowledge (PILARES) carry out. With traditional clothing, handmade masks and details of each delegation, the attendees walked from the Puerta de los Leones to the Zócalo griddle. PHOTO: GALO CAÑAS/CUARTOSCURO
According to the Ministry of Tourism of Mexico City, it is estimated that from October 27 to 31, around 410 thousand tourists will arrive at hotels. The average hotel occupancy in the country’s capital will rise to 80 percent and for the tourist corridor Centro-Reforma-Polanco, an occupancy of more than 95 percent is estimated. Figures reached by the Day of the Dead celebrations, as well as by Formula 1.
Closed stations and special Metrobús schedules
For its part, the Metrobús of Mexico City announced through Twitter that the service on lines 1, 3, 4 and 7 will be modified. Since on the occasion of cultural events along avenues such as Paseo de la Reforma, Juárez, Eje Central, 5 de Mayo and Pino Suárez, said mobility system will operate differently.
In a schedule from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. , the following changes will come into force:
MEXICO CITY, OCTOBER 29, 2022.- Within the framework of the 2022 Day of the Dead Mega Parade that will depart from the Estela de Luz to the capital’s Zócalo, the 16 mayor’s offices met in the morning to present the works that the Art and Crafts Factories ( FARO) and the Points of Innovation, Freedom, Art, Education and Knowledge (PILARES) carry out. With traditional clothing, handmade masks and details of each delegation, the attendees walked from the Puerta de los Leones to the Zócalo griddle. PHOTO: GALO CAÑAS/CUARTOSCURO
– Line 1 : The service will be from Indios Verdes to Revolución stations (north section), and from El Caminero to Insurgentes (south section). Mina, Hidalgo, Juárez and Balderas will be left without service.
– Line 3 : The service from Tenayuca to Buenavista (north section), and from Pueblo Santa Cruz Atoyac to Cuauhtémoc (south section). Plaza de la República, Reforma and Hamburg will be left without service.
– Line 4 : Service from Teatro Blanquita to San Lázaro or Alameda Oriente (north route), and from the Public Defender’s Office to San Lázaro (south route). There will be no service from Buenavista to Glorieta de Colón and Bellas Artes.
– Line 7 : From 04:30 to 11:00 hours the service will be from Indios Verdes and Children’s Hospital La Villa to La Diana and will remain closed from Ángel to Campo Marte; After that, from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. the service will be from Indios Verdes and Hospital Infantil, La Villa to Hidalgo, the stations from El Caballito to Campo Marte will be without service.
It should be noted that the service to the Mexico City International Airport (AICM) will be normal from San Lázaro. Once the parade is over, all the routes will return to their usual routes.
About the closed stations of the Metro Collective Transportation System (STC) , they would probably be the closest to the Plaza de la Constitución, Zócalo-Tenochtitlán and Pino Suárez, corresponding to lines 1 and 2. So far the Metro has not launched no official statement, but prevention is recommended.