AMLO criticized the attacks against emblematic works of art around the world


On Tuesday, October 25th, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, president of Mexico, criticized the attacks that emblematic works of art in the world have suffered by environmentalists, pointing out that these are just signs of “exhibitionism” by the protesters.

“Now I don’t know how these people enter museums and throw paint at the works of art and it is one more case. Hopefully, we don’t suffer from that in Mexico. All for exhibitionism, for the need to show off,” said the president during his morning press conference from the National Palace.

López Obrador criticized the protests that have taken place in recent weeks in museums in Europe, saying that if you wanted to defend the environment “there are many other things to do, why to damage a Monet painting?”

“I say this because “I knock on wood” (so that it doesn’t happen here in Mexico), we have a lot of art, a lot of cultures, a lot of works of art,” he added.

The president thus referred to the most recent attack on a painting by Claude Monet from the “Haystacks” series on October 22, in a museum near Berlin, which was added to the attack on October 14 in the United Kingdom, when A pair of women entered the National Gallery in London to throw tomato soup at Vincent van Gogh’s Sunflowers.

Source: EFE

Mexico Daily Post