In CDMX there is a ‘narco store’ for each school: this is how they are distributed


The Tepito Union, the Anti-Union Force and the Round 88 operate at least 87 drug stores in neighborhoods of the Cuauhtémoc mayor’s office.

Criminal groups in Mexico City operate “narcotienditas” located just a few meters from schools and police stations: there is at least one drug point for each school.

In the Centro, Morelos, Guerrero, Roma Norte, Doctores and Santa María la Ribera neighborhoods of the Cuauhtémoc mayor’s office, where the ‘Tepito Union, the ‘Anti-Union Force’, and the ‘Round 88’ operate, 87 have been detected. Narcotienditas ‘established just a few meters from schools and police stations, reveal documents from the Secretary of National Defense leaked by Grupo Guacamaya.

El Centro is the neighborhood with the largest number of drug dealing points with 27 drug dealers identified; in second place is Guerrero with 26, followed by Morelos with 19, Doctores with six, Roma Norte with five, and Santa María La Ribera with four.

The files of the Sedena indicate that:

  • The Morelos and Guerrero neighborhoods have 1.3 drug dealers for each school.
  • In the Centro neighborhood, there is a drug point for each school campus.
  • In the Guerrero neighborhood, on Moctezuma street, there is a police station and a school for every three drug dealers.
  • In the Roma Norte neighborhood, there are two drug stores located on busy roads such as Insurgentes and Querétaro, or Álvaro Obregón and Córdoba.
Narcotienditas in CDMX (Sedena)

Modus Operandi

The criminal groups employ elderly people addicted to some type of drug, who are known as ‘burreros’, and who in exchange for a dose agree to distribute the merchandise.

To ‘outwit’ the authorities, these people are generally located at the entrance of the neighborhoods to sell the product, since, in case the police arrive, they can easily enter the buildings.

Sedena reports indicate that criminal groups make use of use of scooters that circulate in the opposite direction between street markets and housing units to distribute merchandise.

The most dangerous colonies

22 neighborhoods of the Cuauhtémoc, Iztapalapa, and Gustavo A. Madero mayoralties are identified by Sedena as dangerous. According to their level of risk, they are classified as follows:


1.San Felipe de Jesús.


3.Casas Alemán

4. 25 de Julio.


6.La Esmeralda


1.La Doctores

2.Bueno Aires






1.Santa Martha

2.Juan Escutia.

3.Ejército Constitucionalista

4. Paraíso

5. Parte de la zona conocida como “El Hoyo”.

6. San Lorenzo Tezonco.

7. José López Portillo.

8. Cerro de la Estrella.

9. Santa Cruz Meyehualco

10. Vicente Guerrero

Most dangerous neighborhoods in CDMX. (Secretary of National Defense)

The Mexico City Post