AMLO Army works have bankrupted 2,500 construction companies: CMIC 


Francisco Solares, president of the CMIC, said that the works built by the Army are not generating income tax or permanent employment either.

Francisco Solares Alemán, president of the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry (CMIC), revealed that the works built by the Army are not generating income tax or permanent employment, and also bankrupted more than 2,500 construction companies. in Mexico.

“The works carried out by the Army do not generate income tax, it does not generate permanent employment and it also makes other companies that could have more permanence in the country’s economy, because they are locking up.

“From 2020 to here, we estimate that 2,500 companies have already had to look for some other alternative, because there are not many options in the construction industry,” said Francisco Solares Alemán.

“From our point of view, civil works are not national security” and the Army should not be building them, said his participation in the inauguration of the Infrastructure Forum 2022 CMIC-Mexico City.

The Army built the Felipe Ángeles International Airport, is behind the construction of a section of the Mayo Train, built the Bicentennial Canal in Nayarit, an aqueduct in Campeche, hospitals in Mexico City, among other works.

The Olmeca-Maya-Mexica Airport, Railway and Auxiliary Services Group also created the companies, whose mission is to manage the companies in charge of the Felipe Ángeles International Airport (AIFA), Palenque, Chetumal and Tulum, as well as the Train Maya.

The Army must report how it is investing the money of the Mexicans in civil infrastructure works such as the Felipe Ángeles International Airport (AIFA), the Mayan Train and the Tulum International Airport, the builder commented.

“Construction entrepreneurs must continue to have the participation that we have always had in the construction of the country. We have built the country that exists”, said the president of the CMIC.

The budget allocated by the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador for the construction of infrastructure is 660,000 million pesos in 2022.

“According to the official numbers, at the end of August we had an under-exercise of 80 percent, every time these reports are delivered to me, I tell our people, the director of the Observatory to review it well because it makes me a lot. And they say this is what it is, ”he detailed. 

It is not convenient for the Mexican economy that the budget and spending allocated for the construction of public works is not being used, nor is the lack of transparency good, “which did not happen before.” 

The under-exercise in public spending is the product of the direct assignment of very large works to large companies and the Mexican Army, he pointed out.

“The works carried out by the Mexican Army since before they were declared national security, there was already a total opacity regarding the exercise of the budget for those works,” said the president of CMIC.

For example, we assume how much the AIFA cost, but they have told us some numbers and we cannot verify them, “as we are always verified by the Superior Audit Office of the Federation, which is an organ of the Congress of the Union of the Chamber of Deputies” .

—Does the 80 percent of the sub-exercise include the resources allocated to the main works of the Maya train and the Dos Bocas Refinery?

—Yes, they are included, but there are items that are additional to them. Not included in these amounts that I give you is something called bouquet 33, which is given to all states and a large part of that money goes to infrastructure. They are of the order of 100,000 million pesos that would have to be added to the 660,000 million pesos.

Mexico Daily Post