Videos: Woman uses her body to protect a minor during a shootout at Guadalajara mall


According to what was posted on social networks, it is a 17-year-old girl who protected her 9-year-old sister after being caught in the crossfire.

The shooting recorded on Sunday afternoon in the commercial area of ​​Puerta de Hierro in Zapopan generated panic and fear among the people who were in the squares.

In different videos that have been shared on social networks, the moments of terror that some citizens experienced are shown, among these, that of a woman who used her body as a shield to protect a minor stands out.

According to what was posted on social networks, it is about a 17-year-old girl who was protecting her 9-year-old sister after being caught in the crossfire, just a few meters from the main entrance of Plaza Andares, and where the exchange of shots started.

The image of the woman lying on the minor became viral and it is that it not only showed how terrifying the situation was but also became a representation of love for loved ones, who seek, even risking their lives, to protect them.

The comments on the networks recognized the value of the young woman as well as her prompt reaction and heroic action, although they lamented the situation of insecurity that is experienced every day in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area.

The confrontation occurred between armed civilians, criminals, and the escorts of a person, who is presumed to be the target of the criminals.

The shooting occurred on Sunday around 5:30 p.m.,  the exchange of shots left one person dead and six injured.  The confrontation occurred between armed civilians, criminals, and the escorts of a person, who is presumed to be the target of the criminals.

The shooting took place around 5:30 p.m., at the intersection of Paseo de los Virreyes and Empresarios streets, next to a shopping center near Patria Avenue, different videos were released through social networks and angles of the exchange of shots.

Later, elements of the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena) arrived and observed the members of a criminal group, which triggered another shooting.

Inside the plaza, a shooting generated fear among passers-by and those who were in the shops that immediately took shelter. Many stores closed their doors, and the entrances to the parking lots of the plazas were closed.


After the shooting, elements of the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena), the Mexican Army and personnel from the Jalisco Prosecutor’s Office arrived at the site, reported that the balance of these events was one person without life, and six were reported injured, two suspected criminals and four civilians.

Two alleged members of organized crime were transferred to a private hospital to be treated and then put at the disposal of the agent of the Public Ministry, “Sedena personnel, who were the ones who acted immediately, met them repelling the aggression,” he reported. the head of the State Prosecutor’s Office, Luis Joaquín Méndez Ruiz.

In addition, four people were injured collaterally, “there is a female person, we are informed in a preliminary way, that apparently there is a shrapnel in the neck to be determined by the doctors, there is another person injured, also inside the hospital , who also refer him to the hospital injured by a projectile from a weapon, a little more delicate, and they inform us that he seems to be a security guard for the building tower,” said the state official.

They confoscate vehicles

Authorities seized cars, weapons, and tactical equipment, some with organized crime insignia.

A private security vehicle was left on the site with several impacts from a firearm projectile with a deceased man inside, who was wearing clothing typical of a guard.

In one of the seized trucks, tactical equipment was found, as well as firearms and tactical equipment from organized crime, such as vests, balaclavas, arrestor rings, and ballistic vests with signs or logos belonging to a criminal group.

In addition, on López Mateos Avenue, at the intersection with Inglaterra, a white sedan vehicle was abandoned, which is being investigated to see if it is related to the confrontation that occurred in the Zapopan commercial area.

Evidence collection begins

In the area, more than 200 indications were processed to form the investigation folder by agents from the Homicide area of ​​the State Prosecutor’s Office.

Collection of evidence in the shopping plaza.  (Fernando Carranza)
Collection of evidence in the shopping plaza. (Fernando Carranza)

One of the restaurants in the shopping plaza also had damage to its windows due to the shots. The place was guarded by elements of the Sedena in conjunction with the National Guard, municipal and state police. Personnel from the Jalisco Institute of Forensic Sciences were in charge of collecting the body and transferring it to the metropolitan morgue.

Enrique Alfaro speaks out against false information

Given the series of rumors and speculations about what happened, the Governor of Jalisco, Enrique Alfaro took to social networks to invite the population to follow the official information channels and avoid spreading false information.“In such delicate events that hurt us all as a society, the information has to be accurate and responsible, although sometimes that means that it is not immediate. That is why it is important not to fall for rumors and attend to official information when it is corroborated”, he pointed out.

Likewise, he assured that from the first moment he maintained contact with the Secretary of Security, Metropolitan Police, Zapopan Police, and the Jalisco Prosecutor’s Office to keep abreast of and work together to clarify what happened.

Julión Álvarez denies attempted kidnapping

Between panic and chaos, it began to be rumored that the confrontation began to try to kidnap the Mexican regional music singer, Julión Álvarez, through his social networks he came out to deny the news.”It’s a lie. I think we were on our way to the airport when that happened. I’m going to Pachuca and we’ll see each other there in a little while. Greetings to all the friends and family who are worried about that gossip that is totally false “said the singer in an Instagram video.

identify the wounded

The authorities investigated the injured people to find out if they had something to do with the confrontation, for which they disclosed their identity, as well as their health status.

According to official reports from the Government of Jalisco, the first is called Cirilo González “N”, 45 years old, who has a bullet wound in the right buttock.

The second said his name was Iván Villalobos “N”, 30 years old, who received two bullet wounds: the first in the abdomen and the second in the left leg.

The third victim is Luis Raúl “N”, 45, who is treated for a bullet in the humerus. The fourth person was identified as Karla Arcelia “N”, 19, who is convalescing from a bullet in her neck.

The fifth wounded informed that his name is Antonio Israel “N”, who received a bullet in the right knee, all arrived by their own means at the Puerta de Hierro hospital, located a few meters from the scene of the events.

The sixth person did not require medical attention because he only sprained his foot while trying to hide from the bullets inside a cafeteria. Her identity was kept confidential.

The Guadalajara Post