(VIDEO) Jorge Ramos confronts AMLO over security strategy already the most violent in the history of Mexico


The reporter Jorge Ramos affirmed that the AMLO government is already the most violent in the history of Mexico.

During the ‘morning’ press conference, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador ( AMLO ) was questioned by reporter Jorge Ramos about the situation of violence in Mexico, since, for the communicator, the current government ‘is already the most violent in the history of the country.

“According to government data, 126,206 Mexicans have been assassinated so far in his government; more than the 124,000 of Peña Nieto and 121,000 of Felipe Calderón. It means that his security strategy has not worked, that’s why many are opposed to the  National Guard reform, ” Ramos said.

From the facilities of the National Palace, the Mexican president refuted the journalist and assured him that it did not coincide with his information, despite the fact that Jorge Ramos stressed that the data was obtained through the Executive Secretariat.

“I do not agree with you, I believe that you are not right in the data (…) Nothing else is a matter of how you present it and how we consider that it should be disclosed,” reiterated AMLO.

“If you don’t correct things, it will get worse. There are 84 Mexicans murdered per day. By the end of 2024, there will be 191,000 murdered,” Ramos replied.

Given this, López Obrador used the presentation detailing the percentage of violence that increased each six-year term, from Carlos Salinas de Gortari. In it -according to the president- the violent acts increased more in times of Felipe Calderón and, on the contrary, the government of the 4T maintains a downward trend.

Credit. Government of Mexico

“Let me explain what our figures are. We are going to compare government with government. It is the same, nothing more than presented in another way,” AMLO reiterated.

We are not going to change our security strategy: AMLO

The head of the Executive recalled when Jorge Ramos was last time in the ‘morning’ and raised the same information; however, at that time the president was doubtful, which, on this occasion, changed.

In addition, he maintained that his government is not going to change its security strategy, because for him it is working and that is why he is “calm and optimistic.”

“When you were last time, when you raised the same thing, I had some doubts, now I don’t, because our strategy has already begun to give results, which takes time to address the causes. We are going to reduce, we are going to continue, that is what keeps me calm and optimistic, I maintain that we are not going to change our strategy,” AMLO told Jorge Ramos.

Mexico Daily Post