Reports of one death and severls injured in Manzanillo Colima after earthquake (+ videos)


After the magnitude 7.7 earthquake with its epicenter in Michoacán, perceived on the west coast and center of the country, the first death was confirmed in ManzanilloColima.

This was communicated by the secretary of the Navy to the president by telephone. “One person lost his life because a wall at the Coppel store fell,” López Obrador mentioned in the call shared on Twitter.

The victim would be a worker from the Valle de las Garzas branch, according to local media, who would have suffered the fall of part of the store’s facade.

Other shopping centers in Manzanillo were also affected, however, this is the only official fatality so far.

“There are people trapped ,” is mentioned in a video captured in the ruins of the Plaza Punto Bahía gym

Governor Indira Vizcaíno confirmed and lamented the death of Colima. School activities were suspended for the rest of the day and the damage assessment carried out by Civil Protection continues.

The Colima Post