With AMLO 4T the debt of each Mexican has grown


The Center for Economic and Budgetary Research said that the debt per inhabitant continues to rise.

Each Mexican would have a debt of 120,059 pesos at the end of the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, according to a projection by the Center for Economic and Budgetary Research (CIEP).

According to the Center, the debt per inhabitant is on the rise, leaving the responsibility to future generations to achieve, with less physical and financial investment, and greater productivity than in recent years to receive the current quantity and quality of public services.

“In this context, fiscal sustainability and intergenerational inequality should be included in debt projections, to consider medium- and long-term fiscal challenges, both on the revenue side and on the expenditure side,” said the CIEP. in an analysis of the Economic Package presented by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit to the Legislative Power, on Thursday.

According to the General Criteria for Economic Policy 2023, the debt indicator at the end of 2022 would be 48.9 percent of GDP and, from 2024 to 2028, it would remain at 49.4 percent, said the CIEP.

He pointed out that these data would need to incorporate the effects of the demographic transition on the long-term collection and the growing requirements for pensions, cost of debt, and federalized spending.

“If we divide the public debt for 2022 and 2023 by its population, respectively, each person would have a debt of 114 thousand 732 pesos and 118 thousand 208, which implies a real growth of 3.2 percent,” explained the private center.

He explained that in 2023, the financial cost of the debt would amount to 1 billion 079 thousand 087.1 million pesos, without considering debts from previous fiscal years.

This means that there would be an increase of 30 percent, in real terms, with respect to the 2022 economic package, added the CIEP.

“The above would represent 3.4 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or 95.1 percent of the budgetary financial requirements,” he indicated.

He added that the stability of the debt indicator is supported by assumptions of economic growth not linked to long-term projections regarding the demographic transition. This means that the projected estimates in the package may be incomplete, according to the CIEP.

“Policies would need to be directed to increase collection, with the purpose of paying the growing unavoidable expenses and satisfying the educational, health, and investment needs in favor of the population,” indicated the CIEP.

False that AMLO has not increased debt; it is already 22% more than with EPN

The country’s public debt has not increased in the current six-year term, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador repeated countless times during 3 years of government, but this is false, and now he says that the increase in liabilities is not extraordinary, but official reports indicate otherwise.

“There has been no unusual increase in the debt,” said the president on March 22, 2022.”

But this is not true. According to the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP), in November 2018, the last month of the PRI administration Enrique Peña Nieto, the net balance of the federal sector debt was 10.7 billion pesos, but in January 2022, The latest figure available is already 13.1 billion pesos.

The foregoing means that during AMLO’s administration the national indebtedness has grown 22%, therefore, his statement is false.

From March 21 to 25, 2022, in his morning press conferences, the executive expressed 47 factual statements: 27 true11 misleading and 9 false. Economy and government were the most discussed topics in the Tabascan speech.

The president insisted on statements that have already been verified as false with evidence from his own government, such as the fact that fracking does not exist in the Mexican Republic, when there are several projects in Pemex with this controversial technique that damages the environment. . Only in two locations is there an increase of 219% in the budget contemplated for 2022.

He also provided inaccurate information on issues such as the Mayan Train, crime rates, freedom of expression, gasoline prices, oil exports and imports, among other topics.

Read the complete verification with its documentary sources HERE

13ECONOMY6 True 5 tricky 2 false
elevenGOVERNMENT6 True 2 Deceitful 3 False
twoHEALTH2 True
twoENERGY2 True
5CULTURE4 True1 false
3ENVIRONMENT1 true 1 Deceitful 1 false
3SECURITY2 True 1 Deceitful
1WELLNESS1 false
1HUMAN RIGHTS1 Deceitful

Mexico Daily Post