The daughter of the mayor of Tacámbaro is arrested in the US for not declaring 250 thousand dollars and two weapons


Sheriff Martin Cuellar said the money and weapons were discovered inside the car’s door panels.

The daughter of the mayor of Tacámbaro, Michoacán, Artemio Moriya Sánchez, who is a member of the MORENA political party, was arrested in Texas with almost 250 thousand dollars in cash and two pistols when she tried to enter Mexico, reported the Customs and Border Protection Office (CBP, in its acronym in English).

According to the US agency, the seizure occurred on Monday, August 22, at the Juárez-Lincoln bridge when a CBP officer sent a 2022 Volkswagen Jetta bound for Mexico for a secondary inspection.

Upon further physical examination of the vehicle and a canine examination, officers discovered a total of $248,531 in undeclared currency, a Colt 1911 .45 caliber pistol, and a Glock 9mm pistol inside the vehicle.

Sheriff Martin Cuellar detailed that the money and the two pistols were discovered inside the door panels of the vehicle and that after further investigation it was also discovered that Villaseñor had undeclared US currency hidden inside his waistband.

He said the 28-year-old woman was turned over to Webb County Sheriff’s Office deputies for arrest on state currency and weapons charges.

Yeishi Moriya Villaseñor

The investigation of the case of Yeishi Moriya Villaseñor is being carried out by agents of Immigration and Customs Enforcement of the United States, and the Office of Homeland Security Investigations.

Source: Aristegui Noticias

Michoacan Post