Cowboys “rope” a man dragged by current of the river in Cumpas, Sonora (Video)


In the video that circulates on social networks, you can see the moment in which a man is dragged by the current of the river when several people tell him to approach them, but he cannot because the water dragged him and knocked him down in every attempt he made. made to reach the shore.

 A group of ranchers managed to “rope” a man who was dragged by the current of the river in the municipality of Cumpas, Sonora.

On August 24, the State Civil Protection Coordination, which has made several calls to the population not to try to cross streams or rivers due to heavy rains, issued an alert for minor flooding.

“According to information from the National Water Commission (Conagua), due to the release of surpluses from the El Tapiro dam, located in Cumpas, Sonora, slight flooding could occur in Álvaro Obregón Sur, Ejido El 5, Los Hoyos, Ojo de Agua. , Cumpas and Jecori. Caution is requested in the area and heed the recommendations of the municipal Civil Protection units, ”he indicated.

In the video that circulates on social networks, you can see the moment in which a man is dragged by the current of the river, when several people tell him to approach them, but he cannot, because the water dragged him and knocked him down in every attempt he made. made to reach the shore.

Meanwhile, a rancher in a square shirt and cowboy hat managed to capture him with his lasso and save his life, because he was about to fall into a gate.

Then he pulled him to the mainland and there the other ranchers helped him get out of the river.

The original video was posted on Facebook by Jesús Fabián Loera, and it immediately went viral.

“Today, on the verge of a misfortune at km5, we are once again cut off, the Bertiando dam and the bridge down and people going out to look for provisions. We hope that the corresponding authorities can help us soon, ”he said.

The Sonora Post