AMLO declares that national media likes to “magnify” things


In the midst of the wave of violence that is shaking the country, Andrés López, president of Mexico, declared on Monday, August 15th, during his daily morning press conference that the media likes to magnify things and “make up” fatalities.

AMLO said that there is a campaign against his government, and accused the local media of manipulating and distorting the information about the events that took place during the last 4 days in different parts of the country.

AMLO even accused the national newspapers of sensationalism, as said that this situation creates an environment of uncertainty, fear, and misrule.

Last week, Jalisco, Baja California, Ciudad Juárez, and Guanajuato experienced an unprecedented day of attacks by criminal groups on the civilian population, which left a balance of 12 dead and 26 arrested.

Lopez Obrador continues to say that all the problems of insecurity in the nation are the result of past administrations, and apparently will never assume his responsibility as president of Mexico.

Source: OEM

Mexico Daily Post