We are the party that defends capitalism, businesses and the USMCA: Republicans in Mexico


AMLO’s government sees countries like Venezuela and Cuba and forgets its biggest trading partner, the United States, says Gricha Raether Palma, secretary general of Republicans in Mexico.

In a country like Mexico, where its president hates neoliberalism, which is the dominant form of contemporary capitalism, for several months a Republican in Mexico, a political party that supports capitalism, trade relations and defends businessmen “terrified” by the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

“We are a movement that fully and transparently supports capitalism and private property, which is very limited in Mexico; that gives an idea of ​​what this political movement is looking for in Mexico and the United States”, declares Gricha Raether Palma, secretary general of Mexico Republicano.

Another of the objectives is to support the middle class, which, he assures, no political party is interested in getting it out of the crisis that is currently being experienced, he tells Forbes Mexico.

The founder of Mexico Republicano was born in Bremervoerde, Germany, in 1974 and is the son of a German father and a Chihuahuan mother, he grew up as an expatriate in 5 countries, including the United States and Cuba. He studied Electronic Systems Engineering at ITESM, an MBA at Baylor University, Texas, and has a Senior Management Certificate from IPADE in Mexico City.

Behind the political force are representatives of the US Democratic Party, as well as Larry Rubin, representative of the US Republican Party in the country and president of The American Society of Mexico.

Larry Rubin is the main adviser of Republican Mexico and as president Juan Iván Peña Neder, who founded Progressive Social Networks, a party that competed in the 2021 federal election and disappeared due to lack of votes.

Republican Mexico is a binational legislative political movement, which intends to position and train political cadres for the election to the Chamber of Deputies of 2024 in Mexico, says Gricha Raether Palma.

“The plan is that we have at least 50 deputies out of 70 (political cadres) that we have already chosen and we have analyzed that they are winnable,” comments the secretary general of Republican Mexico.

The candidates of Republican Mexico will win that election since they will compete in regions of the Mexican Republic that are not susceptible to pantry votes, he says.

“These are places where the existing parties (Morena, PT, Movimiento Ciudadano, PAN, PRI, and PRD) won by a few percentage points, but with a well-executed political campaign we can win those 50 deputies,” says the American businessman.

In Mexico, there are between 2 and 5 million Americans or Mexicans with a blue passport to vote in the elections of the two nations. And in the United States, there are 40 million Mexican descendants, “who could have great political influence if they wanted to.”

“Curiously, in the low percentage of participation that we have in Congress, we have not exercised our legislative muscle in the United States,” emphasizes the secretary general of Republican Mexico.

“We all know that Mexico’s main trading partner is the United States, however the government (of Andrés Manuel López Obrador) is turning to see countries like Nicaragua, Venezuela, Cuba, or Central America, forgetting the country that can help it in some way out of underdevelopment”, declared Gricha Raether Palma.

—Behind the Republican Mexico party are there businessmen?

-Yes. Yes, in fact, we are precisely targeting the business class, who are, to say the least, overwhelmed, if not terrified at the moment by the situation in Mexico. We are seeking to get closer to all the regional, local and national business and commerce chambers so that they can get Mexico out of the very precarious situation in which we find ourselves.

—Republican Mexico is the first party with a business lineage in Mexico?

-Totally, it is the first party that focuses on being capitalist, supporting private property, the business class, and the middle class, as well as protecting the commercial relationship with the United States. Today Mexico has 3,500 kilometers of border with the most powerful country in the world in terms of its economy, they envy us and we are the envy and we should be the envy of the whole world, that is, if you see Taiwan, they would kill for having one kilometer of the border with the United States and us with 3,500 kilometers and we just couldn’t get out of the hole.

—Republican Mexico will seek to have some political representation in the United States?

Yes, on both sides. In fact, Larry Rubin, for example, has already left for the United States, although he is still a Republican representative in Mexico. Larry Rubin currently lives in Houston, where he is already involved with various political parties and initiatives. We have already achieved a congresswoman in Texas, who is the first Mexican born in Mexico, she was elected and it is our first achievement. The political cadres of Republican Mexico have a binational vision and Mexican ancestry because the gringos tend to agglutinate with Central Americans, and South Americans and speak of us as Hispanics and Latin Americans. And let’s see, gentlemen, we are Mexicans and the largest minority are Mexicans.

—And the 50 deputies of Republican Mexico will be in cities where the middle class has been beaten in the AMLO government?

-Correct. We are already halfway through forming the political party in Chihuahua at the state level, just as we are already doing it and we were a political force in Baja California and we searched for registration in at least 5 or 6 states.

—The 50 deputies of Republican Mexico will be for the local Congresses?

—No, no, no, we are talking about the Chamber of Deputies at the federal level. Our priority is not municipal presidents or anything, our objective and our primary goal at this time are to have federal deputies.

Mexico cannot be governed from any ideological perspective. Mexico is above the left and the right, as is our movement.

  • We are convinced that there is currently no political party or movement in Mexico that wishes to change this country to place it on a real path of development or that puts the interests of the country above its own personal aspirations for power and economics. It is imperative to have a movement whose leaders are statesmen whose primary and fundamental interest is to lead Mexico to development.
  • It is not part of our movement to dictate or impose ideological principles related to the right of each person to decide about their own person or body and what happens in it, their faith or religious beliefs, or their preferences, tastes or sexual identification. Our movement respects the beliefs of each individual, inviting its members in the context of this movement, to keep them private and focus their efforts on promoting the principles and objectives detailed below.

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