The 10 AMLO lies at the “inauguration” of Dos Bocas (I)


The president inaugurated an unfinished work. Not a single barrel of crude oil was seen entering the refinery, let alone a single liter of gasoline leaving.

1. On Friday, the president inaugurated an unfinished work. In order not to say that, he invented the euphemism that it was actually the “inauguration of the first construction stage” of the Dos Bocas Refinery. In construction project management, such a term does not exist. No one in the world uses it. The works are built, tested and put into operation. Here you just didn’t see a single barrel of crude going into the refinery, let alone a single liter of gasoline coming out.

2. They promised that in December of this year the refinery will be operating. According to the specialists, it is possible that the first barrels processed -although they are doing well- will be in the refining system by the year 2026. It was even possible to hear from the Secretary of Energy, Rocío Nahle, complain that she has stranded on the high seas essential equipment for the operation. 

3. López Obrador affirmed that gasoline in Mexico is cheaper today than in the United States. What he did not explain is that this is not because the supply of gasoline of national origin is improving, but because the price is being subsidized at a cost of approximately 22 billion pesos per month. If current market conditions continue, the president will have to choose between raising gasoline, raising debt or cutting social programs. From that campaign promise that a liter of gasoline would cost 10 pesos, only an inexhaustible source of memes remains. 

4. The president stated that Mexico will shortly refine 1.2 million barrels, to which will be added 340,000 from Dos Bocas, another 340,000 from Deer Park, plus two coking plants. That is, 2 million barrels. They are pure happy accounts. It is impossible to refine oil that you do not have: Mexico is producing 1.7 million barrels of crude. And that doesn’t go up overnight. They are not cookies. There are hundreds of thousands of barrels of crude daily that are not being extracted from any Mexican well. It’s a lot of production that you don’t have. Or what, are you going to import crude oil?

5. To add to the confusion, the general director of Pemex amended the plan to López Obrador. He stated that almost 1.1 million barrels are currently being refined, considering what Deer Park processes. Deer Park processes 340 thousand barrels. Deer Park is in the United States. So, if 340,000 barrels are processed in the US, this means that only 760,000 barrels are processed in Mexico, not the 850,000 that the president claimed. 90 thousand barrels of difference is a lot. It is a figure that moves the markets. This government does not even coordinate in having the same figures in the speeches.

But of course, none of this is the fault of a foolish and inept government. It’s all the fault of the neoliberals. 

(There are 5 other lies. We will discuss them tomorrow) 

La Jornada - Refinería de Dos Bocas costará en total 9 mil mdd, dice AMLO

Source: Carlos Loret de Mola

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