Six intentional homicides registered in Oaxaca in just 48 hours


JUCHITÁN, OAXACA.- In Oaxaca, at least six people were murdered, in the region of Costa de Oaxaca, in less than 48 hours, among these people, four were women and two of them were girls.

With these deaths, 19 murders of women are being added in the area, placing it as the second region with the most femicides in Oaxaca, after the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.

Mother and daughter were murdered in the early hours of Monday, June 20, this in Rancho El Gallo, in the vicinity of Laguna de Manialtepec.

According to the data provided by the local authorities, early on Monday, the 50-year-old aggressor, E. S. M, came home drunk and attacked his 43-year-old wife and his 11-year-old daughter with a firearm.

Despite being transferred to the Puerto Escondido hospital by the Red Cross and the Municipal Police to receive medical attention, the two women lost their lives due to multiple shots. The police of San Pedro Mixtepec arrested the aggressor and presented him before the Coastal Regional Vice Prosecutor’s Office, attached to the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Oaxaca (FGEO).

These two murders of women are added to those committed on Saturday, June 18th, on the San Juan Cacahuatepec highway, also in the Costa region, when a family was shot at while traveling in their vehicle.

According to police reports, the events occurred at approximately 10 p.m. on Saturday, June 18th, and three of the victims were family members, while the fourth worked with them as a driver.

The victims are Damaso “M”, 55 years old; his wife Gudelia “S”, also 55 years old, and his granddaughter, Briana “M”, approximately 11 years old, who were originally from Chicapilla, in the municipality of San Juan Bautista Cacahuatepec. The driver was identified as Gabriel “Q”, 35 years old.

Source: Imparcial

The Oaxaca Post