US senator celebrates that AMLO not at the summit; “He has handed over sections of his country to the cartels,” he accuses


Republican Senator Marco Rubio asserted that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador “is an apologist for tyranny.”

US Republican Senator Marco Rubio celebrated the fact that the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, did not attend the Summit of the Americas and made severe remarks against the president.

On his Twitter account, the Florida representative legislator indicated that López Obrador has handed over sections of Mexico to drug cartels and called him an “apologist for tyranny.”

“I am glad to see that the Mexican president, who has handed over sections of his country to drug cartels and is an apologist for tyranny in Cuba, a murderous dictator in Nicaragua and a drug trafficker in Venezuela, will not be in the US this week.” wrote. 

Rubio’s comments come a day after the Mexican president indicated that he will not attend the summit in California because Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela were excluded from the list of invitees.

Although it will not be the president who will attend the event, Mexico will have representation, since it will be Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard who will attend the event, in addition to the fact that a bilateral meeting between AMLO and Biden was announced for the coming weeks.

Regarding the absence of López Obrador, the White House spokeswoman, Karine Jean Pierre, asserted that “the important position of President Joe Biden is that we believe that dictators should not be invited.” 


Mexico Daily Post