VIDEO: American tries to prevent a blind man from singing in the streets of downtown Merida


On Friday, May 27th, in downtown Mérida, a subject of foreign origin tried to prevent a visually impaired person from earning a living singing on public roads.

This happened on Calle 63 between 58 and 60, one block from the Cathedral, where a blind man sang to earn a few pesos, accompanying himself with musical tracks that sounded on a portable speaker.

Suddenly, a foreigner, presumably an American, approached him and rebuked him for it, trying to stop the visually impaired person from continuing his activity, but in the end, he did not get away with it.

The affected person, identified as Eulogio Puc, explained that singing on public roads is the only way in which he is able to obtain some money to support his family, in an honest way without taking anything from anyone, in addition to the fact that jobs are practically non-existent for people in his condition.

He explained that the American told him that he does not have the right to work singing in the street, a situation that bothered Eulogio because he considers that “these foreigners believe that they can violate the rights of Mexicans (in his own words).”

He also said that no one can stop them from working, because in the end they are not doing anything wrong, and both he and other visually impaired people sing in the streets of downtown Mérida without causing a problem for passers-by, who cooperate financially with them. 


The Yucatan Post