Merida is the second most expensive city in Mexico


Yucatan is the State that registers the greatest upward variation in Mexico, above the national average.

MÉRIDA.- The National Consumer Price Index ( INPC ) in Mérida adjusted eight months in a row growing more than 6 percent.

In the first fortnight of May, inflation was the highest so far in the last three years, with 8.69 percent.

Yucatan was the state with the most upward variation, registered in the national inflation index with 0.65 percent, above the national average.

Merida is the second most expensive city 

The city of Mérida was placed as the second most expensive city in the country, achieving a monthly inflation of 0.86 percent, compared to the first half of April.

For eight consecutive months the increase in prices in the entity does not stop, since last October of last year the INPC is registered above 6.5 percent, which has not given respite, on the contrary, a constant increase is maintained .

And so far this year, the first fortnight of May already achieved the highest record, with 8.69 percent, for January there was an inflation of 7.10 percent; in February it continued to rise with 7.45; March, 8.18, and April, with 8.38 percent.

For the first fortnight of the month, chayote and avocado marked the highest prices with 24.97 and 13.37 percent, respectively, as well as orange, with 9.01 percent, and tomato with 7.92; in addition to air transport with 9.76 percent.

What was it that went down?

The products and services that tended to fall during the first fortnight were electricity, with -24.62 percent; lemon, -20.36; onion, -11.42, and serrano chili, -16.38 percent.

At the national level, general inflation reached 7.58 percent per year and the INPC registered a slight decrease of 0.06 percent compared to the fortnight of April of this 2022.

The foregoing caused merchandise prices to increase 0.35% and services 0.25%, according to the underlying price index (which includes energy and unprocessed goods, such as agricultural goods).

Similarly, services related to air transport increased their costs, as well as those related to restaurants, lunch shops, inns, toaster shops and taco shops.

The entities that suffered the most from this price increase were Yucatán, a state in which the INPC registered a fortnightly variation of 0.65 percent, followed by Guanajuato, 0.64; Oaxaca, 0.60, and Nuevo León, 0.54 percent.

Mérida registers the highest inflation so far this year

  • January 7.10%
  • February 7.45%
  • March 8.18%
  • April 8.38%
  • May 8.69%


The Yucatan Post