Hurricane season in Mexico: What to do in case if a hurricane?


What is a hurricane?

A hurricane is a weather phenomenon that can be described as a giant funnel-shaped whirlpool. It can reach a diameter of about one thousand km and a height of 10 km.

It can also produce winds with speeds over 200 km/hour, with gusts of up to 400 km/hour; bringing with it heavy rain. The Mexican territory had never before received the direct impact of a category 5 hurricane (winds above 250 km per hour).

What to do in case of a hurricane?

• Agree on the preventive activities that each person will carry out.

• Have a place to protect animals and equipment.

• Make necessary repairs to roofs, windows, and walls to prevent further damage.

• Store fertilizers and insecticides in waterproof places and consider transportation in case of living with sick relatives, senior citizens, children, or people with disabilities.

• Determine a place to meet, in case you become separated.

• Have a list of emergency items on hand, such as a first aid kit, radio, battery-powered flashlight, extra batteries, and canned food.

How to act during the passage of a hurricane, according to Civil Protection

• Maintain a high level of attention to official information.

• Learn about the location of temporary shelters.

• On the high seas, islands, and maritime oil installations, they must attend to navigation and Civil Protection instructions.

• Be prepared for a possible evacuation.

In the event that the population considers that their home is safe and is not in a risk area, the prevention measures are:

• Fix and tie well what the wind can throw.

• Take animals and work equipment to a safe place.

• Store loose objects (pots, trash cans, tools, etc.) that can be thrown by the wind.

• Remove television antennas, signs, and hanging objects.

• Clean the roof, drains, gutters and drains, and sweep the street uncovering the sewers.

• Seal the cover of your well with a cement mixture to have uncontaminated reserve water.

In case of evacuation:

• Secure the house and take essential items with you.

• Keep calm.

• Stay informed.

• Disconnect all appliances and the power switch.

• Close the gas and water taps.

• Alert known people about an emergency message.


Mexico Daily Post