Tips on how everyone can help the environment of Mexico City


Meta Description: Do you know that Mexico City is one of the most polluted cities on earth? If you live in this city, this guide will give you pieces of advice on how to curb this problem.

Mexico City is the capital of Mexico. It is also the most populous city on the North American continent. Mexico City is rich in cultural heritage and landmarks. However, it is heavily polluted. According to past statistical reports, Mexico has been one of the most polluted cities on the globe.

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There are several useful books and articles about the issue you can find online. If you need a decent level of layman education on the dangers of pollution, read environment essays. Many school administrations also give assignments to raise environmental conservation awareness in their students. If you need help with such, a writing service will reduce your burden greatly.

Reports have shown that Mexico City’s population increased exponentially between the 1950s and 1980s. There were more cars moving around in the city. Fossil fuel-based plants and industries were firing at full gear. The result of this boom was an increased level of air, land, and water pollution. During that period, it was so horrible that birds fell from the sky. If you are an inhabitant of Mexico City and a good student of nature, you need to learn how to do your part in protecting the environment.

Statistical facts on pollution in Mexico City

Today, Mexico City has made massive improvements in cutting down its pollution rate. Nevertheless, it still has a long way to go in meeting up with the global mandates for climate change.

The biggest air pollutant within this region is ozone. The concentration of ozone in Mexico City’s atmosphere is usually twice the acceptable limit, especially during the spring season.

The chemical reaction between volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxides, and ultraviolet radiation creates ozone. The high temperature during the spring facilitates this process.

Mexico City releases 60 million tons of Carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year. This gas volume is about 10% of the country’s GHG emissions. The geographical position of this region also places it at a disadvantage.

It is located at over 2000 m above sea level. Higher sea level elevation means lower atmospheric oxygen concentrations. The lower oxygen level causes incomplete combustion in engines, leading to the production of carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and other classes of particulate compounds.

There is also a political angle to Mexico City’s pollution problem. Over the past decades, the government turned a blind eye to the high levels of pollution.

They didn’t enact strong laws and policies to curb the problem.  The only major act was the creation of the Mexican Atmospheric Emergency Contingency Plan (AECP). The AECP was only reactivated in 2016 after being abandoned for a long time.

College-level researchers in Mexico’s university system have warned about the effects of the unbridled contamination of the environment. This includes health hazards like cardiovascular diseases, respiratory difficulties, and premature death. In this case, the experience will be a terrible teacher. Another long-term effect is the disruption of the ecology in Mexico.

How can the inhabitants of Mexico City reduce the city’s pollution rate?

The government has its role to play in regulating industries, power plants, and other large-scale pollution culprits. However, here are some things that you can do individually on your part.

●        Afforestation: If you find yourself in a sparsely populated region of the city, plant one or two trees. Uplift the cleaning ecology in your surroundings. Green plants are the lifeline of our environment because they release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide.

●       Avoid crackers: As much as we love shooting firecrackers during special events, one bitter lesson is that their continued use will only contribute to a high pollution level.

●     Replace the chimneys in your kitchen with filters: The gas from fireplaces in kitchens has a negative effect on the air within the environment. Filters can reduce this damage by absorbing dangerous gases.

●  Use public transportation more: The use of public transport leads to the consumption of less fuel and a smaller level of environmental pollutants.


Mexico City needs to do more to keep itself off the charts of global pollution culprit cities. That change cannot occur unless you make yourself a student of the awesomeness of nature. Do your part to fight global climate change.

Mexico Daily Post