“Por Tamaulipas No”: Government threatens migrants that they will be detained on their way through the state


In addition, state authorities requested help from the Federation to provide resources for this state policy.

The Tamaulipas government launched a campaign with which it threatens migrants so that they do not pass through the state, as they will be detained and made available to immigration authorities.

Gerardo Peña Flores, secretary of the Government of Tamaulipas, said that the entity seeks to “safeguard the interests” of Tamaulipas and that their rights have been “reduced” with the arrival of groups of migrants, by staying in border municipalities with the United States. .

“The invitation ‘Por Tamaulipas No’ precisely means caring for and protecting the best interests of Tamaulipas… we once again endorse the call for migrants not to pass through Tamaulipas. They will always be treated cordially but they will be detained and placed at the disposal of the National Migration Institute”, he said at a press conference.

The official criminalized the migrant population by linking it to the increase in crimes in the state, as he assured that “by not having resources, they, unfortunately, fall into the temptation of taking money, easy money, quick money from the generators of violence and begin join these groups.


The state official pointed out that some of the people who migrate are captured by criminal groups .

“Not having resources – the migrants – unfortunately fall into the temptation of taking money, easy money, quick money from the generators of violence and begin to join these groups,” he said.

Peña reported that the entity has seen the need to reallocate resources from Tamaulipas to meet the needs of the migrant population.

“They have seen how it unfortunately contributes in a negative way to the security issue and contributes in a negative way to the economic issue.”

He assured that with the overflow of migration, the interests of the population living in Tamaulipas have been diminished.

He recalled the aggression suffered by Tamaulipas state police last Sunday where a female element died , and a man who recognized that he was dedicated to the transfer of migrants was arrested.


The general secretary of the state government announced that a strong influx of migrants is expected in the coming days, so they will increase security in the vicinity of Nuevo León as they do now with San Luis Potosí and Veracruz.

“With the state of Nuevo León in the northern part, especially with Nuevo Laredo, we understand, we have heard that a significant migrant wave is coming, I mean in volume and that it is expected to happen in the coming weeks, we are preparing ourselves,” he stressed.

He urged the INM to increase the number of personnel and resources to support the containment of migrants.

This surveillance program is already yielding results, he assured, since some migrant groups have already been dissuaded from going to the northern border through other entities.

In addition, state authorities requested help from the Federation to provide resources for this state policy.


The head of Operations of the Ministry of Public Security (SSP), Ángel Lara Hernández, reiterated that surveillance and migration control modules have been installed on neighboring highways with Veracruz and Nuevo León.

“They are located on the road to Tula and are intended to check cargo vehicles, buses that carry suspicious people, the other similar post is in El Moralillo and has the same resources,” he explained and added that inspections are maintained at Central Buses. in coordination with INM staff .


“It has 204 migrants rescued and placed at the disposal of the National Institute of Migration, the conclusive of all this is not to go through Tamaulipas , give their place to colleagues and citizens of Tamaulipas and prevent people from Central America and other countries from passing through our state” Lara maintained.

Since this reinforcement began, three people have been arrested and brought before the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) and during 2022 three elements have been injured in the performance of their work.

“I urge the authorities of the National Institute of Migration to be able to provide the human, financial and material resources sufficient and necessary to be able to help, assist and participate in a greater and better way in this containment. I wish it was done from the south of our country and that it didn’t have to be done on the outskirts of our state,” he said.

This measure comes a day after Marcelo Ebrard, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, reiterated that the Mexican government will work hand in hand with the United States to resolve the migration issue, but that regardless of the resolutions that are adopted, it will not allow that “whoever comes” to the country.

Tamaulipas Post