San Cristóbal de Las Casas was chosen worldwide to host the Signing of the Endorsement of the Earth Charter

  • Personalities from Costa Rica, Brazil and Mexico gathered for this event of world significance.

San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas/May 01, 2022.- The city of San Cristóbal de Las Casas was chosen, worldwide, to host the Signing of the Endorsement of the Earth Charter, within the framework of the Magical Towns, a document with 16 principles that drive a global movement. Ethical framework for actions aimed at building a more just, sustainable and peaceful global society in the 21st century, where a mentality of global interdependence and shared responsibility is articulated, providing a vision of hope and a call to action.

With the presence of intellectuals, international personalities, Federal and State officials, Civil Society, the Municipal President Mariano Díaz Ochoa stated that ecosystems support all forms of life on earth. It gives health to our ecosystems, which directly depends on the health of our planet and its inhabitants. “Restoring those that are damaged will help end poverty, combat climate change and prevent mass extinction. But we will only achieve it if everyone does their part”.

“Let us remember today more than ever, we need a shift towards a more sustainable economy that works for both people and the planet. Let’s promote harmony with nature and the earth. Let us join the world movement to restore mother earth, because it is the only house we have and if we do not take care of it we will be living our own extinction as a human race”, she emphasized.

“Climate change, man-made changes in nature, as well as crimes that disturb biodiversity, such as deforestation, land use change, intensive agricultural and livestock production or the growing illegal trade in wildlife, they can accelerate the rate of destruction of the planet,” he said.

He added that mother earth clearly requests and demands action from both society and the government. “The oceans fill with plastics and become more acidic. Extreme heat, wildfires, floods, and other weather events have affected millions of people. Even today we are facing COVID-19, a global health pandemic with a strong relationship with the health of our ecosystem.

In his speech, Mateo Castillo Ceja, Focal Point of the Earth Charter Mexico, explained that said document arose to address with wisdom and intelligence the crisis of civilization that we are experiencing on the planet: a social, economic, environmental, cultural, political, and spiritual.

“The Earth Charter contains 16 principles, which are the principles of action that help us, inspire us and strengthen us to make the best decisions, but through those 16 principles there are also principles of action, in total there are 61 principles of action, all these principles are impregnated with values, such as the energy that moves our decisions as human beings, values ​​such as respect, care, integrity, justice, incursion, democracy, tolerance, compassion, freedom, peace and love,” he emphasized.

He stressed that this alliance that is signed with the City Council, means a free will manifesto, “of course, to assume with co-responsibility and perseverance the postulates of the Earth Charter; it is a commitment through the individual in pursuit of a global community based on development communities based on human development; it is a sum of efforts for a better world or for a better future, it is a commitment to use it as a guide and ethical framework for decision-making in the development of plans and policies and as an educational tool for sustainable development”.

San Cristobal Post