More than 700 schools need to be rehabilitated in Acapulco, Guerrero


“In Acapulco, more than 700 preschool, primary and secondary school facilities need to be rehabilitated to restart face-to-face classes”, said the delegate of the Educational Services of the Acapulco-Coyuca region, Martha Rocío Carachure Bustos.

He explained that of the 1,200 schools in the Region, some suffered structural damage from the earthquake on September 7, 2021, according to the inspection carried out by the Civil Protection authorities, others require rehabilitation for remaining closed for two years due to the Covid pandemic-19.

She said that there are four campuses that are not suitable for operation, as is the case of the “Manuel Ávila Camacho” elementary school, which must be demolished and a new building has to be built.

The official of the Secretary of Education Guerrero (SEG), Carachure Bustos, said that there are three other schools that will also have to be demolished too.

For now, among the priorities is the campus of the town of Xaltianguis, Primero de Mayo, and the Reporte Presidencial school, of La Quebrada, as well as the Rubén Figueroa, where a new retaining wall is necessary.

She specified that each campus will be rehabilitated in time, but in the meantime, the distance education model will continue so that girls and boys continue with the school calendar, once the Semana Santa and Easter vacation periods are over.

Source: OEM

The Guerrero Post