“Va por México” presents an alternative proposal against AMLO’s electrical counter-reform


The PAN, PRI and PRD announced that they will vote against the initiative proposal sent by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador

The “Va por México” coalition made up of PAN, PRI, and PRD which was on the verge of breaking up, presented 12 points that the electricity reform must contemplate, and they announced that they will vote against the initiative proposal sent by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to the Congress of the Union.

The leaders of the three parties, Marko Cortés of the PAN, Rubén Moreira of the PRI, and Jesús Zambrano of the PRD, together with the parliamentary coordinators of the Chamber of Deputies and general secretariats, at a press conference, announced the continuity of the coalition and ended the speculations.

Jesús Zambrano Grijalva, president of the Party of the Democratic Revolution, made it clear that “all kinds of speculation are stopped, we continue walking together and there is a rejection of the President’s retrograde initiative. The coalition was in a situation of weakness and even possible fracture, now the coalition is firm and there is opposition”.

Jesús Zambrano Grijalva, president of the Party of the Democratic Revolution.

He warned that Morena did not make major changes to the President’s initiative, despite the open parliaments, “except for some small changes”, but that this is not going to happen. In addition, he awaits the resolution of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation for the actions of unconstitutionality “on the eve of the Court hearing these actions of unconstitutionality, it will be tested on its power, to see if it is subject to the mandates of the Palace National or not.

Therefore, “Va por México”, presented 12 points of its proposal to the counterproposal, which establishes access to electricity as a human right, access to electricity, which must be sufficient, continuous, clean, safe, sustainable and accessible, where the State must establish the necessary mechanisms so that access is at the lowest and most stable costs possible.

Mechanisms are established that allow citizens to generate their own energy or buy it at the lowest and most stable prices possible, in addition to guaranteeing lower rates (free electricity will be guaranteed) to heads of families and vulnerable groups through the application of subsidies focused or, where possible, through the installation of small-scale electricity generation systems either in homes or in the community, in a distributed generation mode.

Also, it transforms CFE into Basic Supply in an independent State company, that is to say, Basic Supply of the Citizen; Auction mechanisms for medium- and long-term electricity coverage would be established as a specific measure to protect the user or consumer, and a specific manual for the protection of user rights would be drawn up.

In energy transition, “Va por México” seeks that the obligation of the State to lead the energy transition, with the participation of the public, private and social sectors; establishes the energy transition as a fundamental objective for the State in the fight against climate change and compliance with international agreements on the matter.

The errors and excesses of the past are corrected and the simulation ends, such as creating a model to encourage the migration of legacy contracts, forcing plants that have been in operation for 10 years to migrate their permit to the model established in the Law of the Electricity Industry in a period not exceeding one year, by virtue of the fact that it is considered that in that time they have already amortized their investment.

The opportunity will be sought so that smaller businesses and companies can access the electricity market and its benefits, such as lower energy costs or clean energy, reduce the qualified supply from 1 mega to half a mega, and a period of 4 years is established for the threshold remains at 100 KW. Companies that meet the consumption limit may choose to remain in the Basic Supply or migrate to the wholesale electricity market.

The proposal strengthens Market Regulation and constitutional autonomy is granted to the Energy Regulatory Commission. Similarly, the State maintains, reaffirms, and strengthens its stewardship in the electricity sector through its planning with the constitution of the National Commission of Electric Networks, an Autonomous Organism of the State.

CENACE absorbs the general planning of the Electric System and Transmission and Distribution (CFE transmission and CFE distribution) and becomes the National Commission of Electric Networks.

In the eighth point, he talks about the strengthening of the Federal Electricity Commission, which is granted budgetary and management autonomy to the CFE, operating outside the Budget, with corporate, independent, and professional governing bodies, but maintaining accountability as a public body.

Promote the penetration of the use of renewable energies where distributed generation is promoted through financing models for different types of users and raising the limit of distributed generation to one megawatt, double what is currently allowed.

Regarding the granting of permits to give legal certainty to the projects, the coalition modifies the procedure for the installation of a new power generation plant through the establishment of a single procedure which will be based on the following steps: a) Interconnection with the National Center for Electrical Networks (formerly CENACE); b) Environmental, Social, and Anthropological Impact; c) Generation Permit (CRE).

In point eleven, the coalition refers to the reformulation of the CEL model to align it with the IREC (International Renewable Energy Certificates) these go from being national to international, aligning the issuing criteria to the IREC. In this way, Mexican companies will be able to prove their compliance with environmental matters internationally.

They are issued as an accounting model for renewable energy generated and eliminate the character of the CEL as a financial certificate, but the commitments and contracts already established before the decree are fulfilled.

And finally, point twelve, the coalition warns that lithium will be owned by the State, but its use will follow the rules of Petroleum, rounds for exploration and extraction of minerals to guarantee the State ownership at all times, as well as profits from this exercise.

Mexico Daily Post